Need New Sales Leads?
Business Energy & Mains Water Sales Leads
We invest a lot of money on Pay Per Click advertising on major search engine like Google & Yahoo to attract consumers who are searching for gas, electricity and mains water supplies for their premises. These are real customers searching online in real time for the best offers on utilities in Scotland & England.
Having landed on our website the customer fills in a simple quote request. This gives us their contact details, supply information and any preference on the duration of agreement they’d prefer. Although our day to day business is preparing quotes for most, we have excess enquiries we can provide to other brokers or suppliers. We pass the details to you by email. The are exclusive to you only so you can offer them the best quotes directly and convert them into sales in the same way we do.
We'll email you their details direct from the enquiry form on our website. Each one is exclusive to you and not shared or sold to any other broker or water supplier, so you minimise competition and maximise your sales conversion.
What details are in each lead?
The contact name, business name and address. Telephone and email address. Type of supply ( gas, electricity or water ). Current supplier and contract renewal date. Supply number and quantity or spend etc. Basically everything you need to quote. Note that for gas or electricity leads the minimum stated consumption is 15,000 kwh’s per annum. We will deal with smaller leads internally and you get the larger ones.
How many leads can I expect?
It depends how busy our website is but a handful a week is about right. We don’t offer high volumes, just high quality, genuine buyers.
What do leads cost?
See our latest prices on this page ( they change monthly ).
How do I receive them?
We send the details by email to you.
When do I receive them?
We email the details shortly after they arrive. So during working hours typically within a few minutes. Leads that arrive overnight get passed to you in the morning. Weekend leads get passed over to you on Monday morning typically.
Try it now by selecting your preference and we’ll start sending you leads as they arrive, starting today. If you still have any queries or would prefer to be invoiced and pay by BACS feel free to call on 0141 291 5004.
10 Business Water Leads: £50 each.
SOLD OUT - Check Back Soon
10 Business Energy Leads*: £100 each. AVAILABLE
10 Home Utilities (UW) Inquiries £15 each.
SOLD OUT - Check Back Soon
*Please note you must be a registered broker with the ADR Scheme to purchase business energy leads.
If you prefer to be invoiced and pay by BACS call us on 0141 291 5004.
80% Conversion
These are real UK businesses shopping online on our websites in real time who have requested bespoke quotes. One broker recently confirmed they convert 80% into sales! Furthermore you'll have that client on your books for years to come, earning again in the future. You’ll also be able to offer related products as you build your relationship with them, adding even more potential value to each prospect.
NEW ! Utility Warehouse Leads
Are you a Utility Warehouse distributor? Then you are in a good position to offer home owners a better bundled deal that can save them money across all their utilities. We now have leads available from home owner consumers who are looking to cut costs on home utilities. They come from major search engines and land on this page:
How does it work?
It's very simple. A potential customer looking for home utilities sees one of my ads on a major search engines, clicks on the ad and lands on this page:
If they select the button confirming they are a 'homeowner' they end up here:
On that page they fill in their details..
That form comes to us by email and then we forward it to you if you've prepaid for a block of leads
A typical form would look like this to you when I deliver it to you by email:
Sent via form submission from - Free Price Comparison & Switching Service
I'm looking for a better deal on (Tick the options you prefer. More options means better bundled discounts): Electricity, Gas, Broadband
Name: Daniel Surname
Phone: 0755 123456
Postcode area: BS6 5EB
Interested in: Electricity, Gas, Broadband
I forward each email to you as soon as practical after I receive it (each lead is exclusive to you and not shared with anyone else).
Option 2. Reach 10,000 Business customers for 5p each with an email campaign.
The second option we offer is to send an email to our business customer base on your behalf featuring your product or service. We have a receptive audience in the UK and these are businesses looking to save money. You’ll reach a minimum of 10,000 potential customers for just 5 pence each. That’s much cheaper than mailing and other forms of advertising.
We’ll prepare an email in consultation with you. The email can include your offer, text, images, phone number and a link to an enquiry form or a landing page of your choice.
If you don’t have a landing page we can build one in our website to tell prospects more and collect enquiries for an extra £180.
Although we can’t focus your emails on specific business type or location we will supply you with stats on open rates, click thru’s etc. once sent. Feel free to call 0141 291 5004 to discuss your campaign.
Sales Leads Testimonials
“In total I gained 8 new accounts which equated to a strike rate of 34.78%!”
“Got another sale from your site worth about £ is still the best lead service I have used.”
“Just wanted to say I purchased one of your leads today and not only was the customer happy to hear from me she has now signed a contract - all in the space of 3 hours. I was dubious about buying a lead before but for £15 my return on investment will be paid and more. ”
If leads are sold out leave your details here. We’ll email you when leads are available again.